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Divine Nations by Sparrow



Boundless God manifested self and all directions, from infinite negative to positive beyond, then so made in a godly image, we all have a goodly heritage. It is too, our purpose to pursue and represent The Light, even at night, however dim or bright. How ever you color in the big picture, It 's the very lines we draw, divide that bind us as unique parts, just as the original lines that bind us will never change. It takes both the Sun and every color of the Rainbow, or The Moon with every Star and Candle, to light the Universe. From right belief, comes right thought, feeling, words, and actions, thus a positively renewed state of heart, renews the mind will, so your physical state of being will soon follow. There are many symbols in the physical world, designed to remind us of our spiritual lessons, for when we forget (which is the curse of this mortal existence), we must learn our lessons repeatedly. Despite your religion or debate, all walks, revolve around the Holy Spirit of Love or Balance Avatars, and are governed by the Universal laws, to protect the Greatest Good.  You can agree, as a Buddhist, Taoist,  Christian, Atheist, or any other denomination. Whether you send energy to the universe through prayer, meditation, habits, ritual or daily, I, like Confucianism,  believe, no matter what, we boil it down to, being the best human representations of  Godly goodness possible, as we grow through life, learning from each other and our environment, or remembering our highest vibrations.



















I like to think that science, especially math, is merely magic we have discovered an understanding about; that technology is but, our main method of manual manipulation arts. It's as if we use artificial intelligence to make up for the intelligence we had naturally once upon a time. Every weapon formed against God, will fail, ultimately. Each will judge, then put itself through Hell and beyond to change for the better. The very same lines that divide, also bind, so the big picture never change, no matter how you color it in. Let us focus on our similarities for communion in society, and leave differences solely at the discretion of each unique piece developing independently within the community. All change starts from with-in. We are, but Soul beings, with Spirit Bodies, confined by our physical dimensions, refined, with-in reason; defined by our purpose, combined with our means. The sky is only the limit for the divided from God, Nature, Each Other, and Selves. They wicked, shall live in a state of lack, and the latter in a lap of luxury, after Humanity reclaims rightful dominion on Earth. Of course that balance, implies the blessings will naturally and generously trickle down; instead of our energy, invested in currency, currently flowing upwards, due to our rather attachment to the material world.



















I won't tell anyone what or who to believe in. You will find your own truth when you believe in yourself, through God's eyes. Powerfully enlightened with divine oneness, you will Master your steps in life and Co-Master of your fate. Know that on your journey, you need God to pick up where you fall short, as well as good people to keep you motivated. You have a divine right to connect, "on line" to the great divine and claim your blessings. Whatever path of manually manifesting your happiness treads on or crosses, the first key is Belief and faith! A healthy spirit seeks to bring positivity from any situation, especially the ones that could be other-wise perceived as negative. Everything is energy, commanded into physical existence from beyond the most  sub-atom level, consciousness allows. You are a vibration that should align "On Line" with the frequencies that Supports Life as wholes and unique individuals. 


Nature Reflecting on Crystal Glass
Man and His Dog
Sunset Photographer

C.O.G. Skyline

A place where all walks of life may focus on how the lines bind, instead of how they divide. Only after becoming one and finding peace with-in, would you find it outside of yourself and all around you.


Find Dares and Share the growth and development process of you and your groups spiritual quest at "I Live" Echo.

You want to understand The Milestones for Manual Manifestation, within our Crede of Achievement there-in




Adopting our Total Happiness Lifestyle will also help you Heal Your Chakras 
or align you on your Noble Path, even dial you on to the Universal Laws to claim your Divine Rights.

The overlay is infinite , despite the twists in dimensions:

Meditation/ Concentration





Effort/ Resolve

Action/ Conduct



Coming Soon! 






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