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Golden Dragon Heirlooms, by Giza

Construction Site

You are what you do, so do better with every step. Always make your next move, your best move. Society is pretty unforgiving. After your word, all you have are your movements. Once upon a time, last names were actually given according to what a person did for a living. That legacy was passed down to their descendants with honor. Everyone had a job to do and nothing was free. People were accountable and responsible for manifesting their dreams. When the high and mighty oppressed them, they formed unions. This is what greatness is made of. Today, too many legacies have been broken, too little knowledge has been passed down, and timeless jobs have been given to machines, so we may do easy or stationary work that kills our health, for longer hours that steals our quality of life and sanity. I challenge the lost children who have lost their leverage, to remember the old ways where education and hard work reigned above primal survival instincts.

Networking Event

Reclaim your legacy or create a new one. Leave your children with more hope than you had and a more healthy environment to grow up in. For a lot of people this will mean breaking generational curses those before you in the gap, couldn't. They did their best, so surely if you look there is more still there than you think. Build from what you have. You have feet and hands and a brain. Claim you civil place in society for your family may flourish. Nobody can do it all, but we can all do something. No ones better than anybody, but we're all better than the average person at something, and good at plenty! It's actually best to start from the bottom. Build your house from the ground up, so it stays up. If you have to work at Mc Donalds and work your way tomanager, before owning shares and ultimately your own franchise, then you just gotta do what you gotta do, but never take your eye off the prize or think there's no way your dreams can come true. We play the cards we are dealt, but never let that hand be all you have to look forward to. Definitely don't go bidding off another persons hand. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade, lemon merenge, Lemon Everything! I don't advice putting all your eggs in on basket, so once you flip them lemons, invest in some apples, then maybe oranges too! This is the land of opportunity! 

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